How to use Outputs in AWS CDK

How to use Outputs in AWS CDK

AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit), is a powerful tool for creating and deploying cloud-based applications on AWS. One of the key features of CDK is its ability to output values from deployed resources. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to use outputs in AWS CDK and how they can be leveraged to improve the development and deployment of your cloud-based applications.

An output in CDK is a value that is exposed from a deployed resource. This can be anything from the URL of an S3 bucket to the DNS name of an EC2 instance. Outputs are defined in the CDK stack definition file and can be accessed via the AWS CLI or the CDK command-line interface.

To create an output in CDK, you first need to define the resource that you want to output the value from. For example, if you want to output the URL of an S3 bucket, you would first create the S3 bucket in your CDK stack definition file. Once the bucket is defined, you can then create an output for the bucket's URL by using the output method.

const s3Bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');

new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'BucketUrl', {
  value: s3Bucket.bucketUrl

In this example, we first create an S3 bucket and then create an output for the bucket's URL. The output is named BucketUrl and the value is the URL of the S3 bucket. Once the stack is deployed, the output can be accessed via the AWS CLI or the CDK command-line interface.

Another way to use outputs in CDK is to reference them in other parts of your stack definition file. For example, if you have an EC2 instance that needs to access an S3 bucket, you can use the output of the S3 bucket's URL as the input for the EC2 instance's user data.

const s3Bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');
const ec2Instance = new ec2.Instance(this, 'MyInstance', {
  userData: `echo ${cdk.Fn.importValue('BucketUrl')} > /tmp/bucket_url`

In this example, we first create an S3 bucket and then create an EC2 instance that references the output of the S3 bucket's URL in its user data. This allows the EC2 instance to access the S3 bucket without hardcoding the URL in the stack definition file.

Outputs can also be used to create cross-stack references. This allows you to create outputs in one stack and reference them in another stack. This is useful when you have multiple stacks that need to share resources or when you want to create reusable stacks.

const s3Bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');
const stackOutput = new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'BucketUrl', {
  value: s3Bucket.bucketUrl
  name: 'BucketUrl'

In this example, we first create an S3 bucket and then create an output for the bucket's URL. We then use the export method to export the output so it can be imported by another stack. The output is named BucketUrl and can be imported by another stack using the importValue method.

const importedBucketUrl = cdk.Fn.importValue('BucketUrl');
const ec2Instance = new ec2.Instance(this, 'MyInstance', {
  userData: `echo ${importedBucketUrl} > /tmp/bucket_url`

In this example, we import the BucketUrl output from the other stack and use it as the input for the EC2 instance's user data. This allows us to reference resources from other stacks without having to hardcode their values in the stack definition file.

Outputs in AWS CDK can be powerful for creating and deploying cloud-based applications. They allow you to expose values from deployed resources, reference them in other parts of your stack definition file, and create cross-stack references. By leveraging outputs in your CDK stack definition file, you can improve the development and deployment of your cloud-based applications and make them more flexible and reusable.

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